Kane Innovations Expedites Holding Cell Fabrication for Isolation and Inmate Containment
During this global health crisis, correctional facilities are undeniably one the most vulnerable population groups due to close sleeping quarters and shared common spaces. For this reason, wardens and other high level prison personnel must be vigilant in separating COVID-positive and COVID-symptomatic inmates from one another to reduce the spread of the virus. Doing so prevents rapid facility-wide spread and detainee fatalities.
To support and respond to this immediate need, Kane Innovations is making two important changes to operations in order to accommodate detention customers:
1. Expediting fabrication and delivery of holding cell solutions to correctional facilities requiring extra protection for inmates during this critical time, and;
2. Offering virtual consultations with wardens and other correctional facility managers to ensure needs are met quickly and accurately.
About Kane Innovations Holding Cells / Isolation Cells
One of the best ways to enact social distancing in jails and prisons is to construct temporary or permanent holding cells where needed. Physical security product manufacturers like Kane Innovations offer modular containment solutions that can be assembled from start to finish in about six hours or less.
Below are some key benefits of modular holding cells for criminal justice applications in a COVID-19 environment:
Saves Lives by Reducing the Transmission of COVID-19
There’s no question that increasing distance between inmates is important during the rapid spread of a new virus. There are many ways to do this, one of which is assigning inmates to a holding cell on a temporary basis.
Although a standard cell with a woven rod door and barrier will function well, adding a polycarbonate panel to the cell front – also known as Lexan – is an extremely effective way to contain all airborne droplets expelled from an ill occupant. Respiratory fluids from virus-laden coughs and sneezes will not pass through the woven rod cell front, thereby providing a tight seal of protection.
Visit our Secur-View page to learn more about polycarbonate-fitted glazed barriers and cell fronts.
Fast Delivery and Installation
Aside from the obvious health benefits of isolating inmates in COVID-designated spaces, delivery and construction of these modular holding cells are both fast and easy.
First, the holding cell kit will arrive at your facility “knocked down” – or packaged flat – which allows the shipment to be easily carried into the building. Once inside, the cell is able to be installed by current staff or inmates virtually anywhere within the facility’s existing space – without the need for new construction of any kind.
If labor is a non-issue, a facility could see up to 100 COVID isolation cells become fully operational within 30 days. This number includes both single and double occupancy units.
Affordable, Versatile and Secure
Isolation and holding cells from Kane Innovations pass the test for minimum, medium and maximum security applications, and are suitable for every type of inmate. These cells can include as little or as many customizations as you’d like. They are equipped to accommodate lighting, HVAC systems and various prison-grade furniture from benches to modesty panels.
Kane Innovations is confident that these holding cell solutions and faster turnaround times will provide an alternate disease mitigation strategy to the criminal justice community during the COVID-19 crisis, and promote a healthier, safer environment for all occupants and staff.
For a remote consultation with Kane Innovations detention engineers and sales staff, contact us now.